Action (2019) is an Indian Tamil action thriller film directed by Sundar C. in 2019. The film is starred by Vishal and Tamannaah as intelligence officers in the lead roles. The film is produced by R. Rabindran. It was released on 15th November, 2019 in India. Tamil is only a province's language, so the Tamil language film was a commercial failure, but when the film is made with Hindi dubbed, it makes its own success on YouTube and in some social media platforms. The film receives praise for its action scenes.
Subash, an Indian Army Colonel moves to catch the most wanted terrorist Sayed Ibrahim Malik, who hides himself in Pakistan and has double body.
In some film reviews, I noticed many critics wanted to say it as action overdose, because, there is nothing in the movie that can be termed plausible. It is an actionable thriller, there is a little romantic scenes, band Yogi Babu's comedy scenes are the only different scenes in the movie. So, if there 8s no important or noticeable scenes without action scenes, I will say it is one of the most actionable movies.
VFX and CG:
The movie receives special praise for its VFX and CG technique and editing style.
This department has an important role in the movie , I swear.
Glamorous View:
Some important and glamorous scenes are taken from foreign countries for example; Turkey, Istanbul and Angola as well as Pakistan. These glamorous views are the heart of the film. Because these things attract the audiences most of the time. These scenes are enjoyable for the audiences.
Glorifying Dialogue:
The audiences will notice glorifying Dialogue from some characters. They can be introduced with some unique dialogue,
Thrilling Story:
Action (2019) is a thrilling story film. But it is not a linear narrative story. So, many people want to say that it is a waste of time to find out its narrative story.
These things you may not like:
Unnecessary songs:
The songs used in the film can be imperfect to you. So, easily you can avoid the songs.
Common dialogue:
You will notice some glorifying Dialogue but in the mean time you also notice that another thing in the film you may not like is its common dialogue. It will interrupt you to pull the video, not all character's dialogue but some character's dialogue, you may imagine common or weakness in the movie.
Another logical point you have to ponder over:
In the film, Vishal as Subash Colonel of Army Intelligence Officer, the movie lovers easily realize his family background. His father (Pala Karuppiah) is the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. Subash's elder brother (Ramki) as Saravanan occupies as deputy chief minister. That means he also should stay in political premises, but he as Colonel does his duty only for patriotism nor he would stay in another political profession.
Aishwarya Lekshmi as Meera, Subash's fiancee and his brother Saravanan are killed in an terror attack. Tamannaah as Lt. Diya and Subash investigate the terror attack. They find some important clues, Subash starts his revenge on the most wanted terrorist. They became successful.
In this film action scenes are the most glorious and attractive specially from Istanbul. But the film has lost its positive review for exaggeration of some common action scenes. There are a few unique scenes. I would recommend you to watch it for enjoyment. Watch the full movie from the following link. Watch From here>>>
Watch the official trailer of the movie Action (2019) here...